A few words

About Us

Julius Ngome Ewane

Secretary General and Founding Member

Born in Douala, he grew up in Kumba where he attended nursery, college and high school. Presently residing in Canada, he is a big soccer fan and enjoys giving back to his community.

Tabi Baiye

Chief Finance Officer And Founding Member

He is a big soccer and basketball fan, and has an exceptional interest in charity work and he loves his home town – Kumba

Finjap Derick

Founding Member

Born in Muyuka- Cameroon and moved around a lot before settling in Kumba, where he completed Primary, Secondary and High School. Currently residing in the United Kingdom. He loves giving back to his community


Project Coordinator & Founding Member

Born in Kumba where he attended his primary and secondary education. He is a leader, visionary, humanitarian, big fan of football, and one of the founders of K-Town
for life association. He is currently based in Finland.

John Paul Ambuyindia

Chief Officer and Founding Member

Born in Kumba, where he grew up and still have many fond memories of his hometown. He is passionate about community development and he is involved in several charitable projects. He is currently base in the United Kingdom

Mukanya MacArnold Njibili

Country Representative - Cameroon

He is a Philanthropist, Communications Specialist and Business Development Consultant. He is active in alot of community development and humanitarian projects in the SW Region of Cameroon. He was born in Kumba and lives with his family in the city of Douala where he consults with emerging companies for sustainable business projects.

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